Helpline 1533 +91 8810709390

About Construction Department

  Gorakhpur Nagar Nigam (GNN) is a local government body committed to providing Civic & Infrastructure facilities to the people of the Gorakhpur city. Nirman Vibhag is the core department of Nagar Nigam Gorakhpur which provide the essential amenities to public ie Roads, Nali/Nala, Parks etc. Gorakhpur Nagar Nigam is very well known for managing the city by using private sector participation as well as the introduction of innovative mechanism in management to serve people efficiently. Gorakhpur Nagar Nigam has prepared different plans for improving services and to nullify the gap between services and demands. At present various Schemes ie Twarit Arthik Vikas Yojna, NCAP, CMNSY, SBM, Solid waste Management etc is ongoing under the supervision of Nirman Vibhag.

About Officials

S.No. Name Designation Mobile Number
1 Mr. Sanjay Chauhan Chief Engineer 8810709326
2 Mr.Amarnath Executive Engineer 8810709341
3 Mr. ND Pandey Assistant Engineer 8810709336
4 Mr. Shailesh Kumar Assistant Engineer 8810709396
5 Mr. Vivekanand Singh Junior Engineer 8810709335
6 Mr. Atul Kumar Junior Engineer 8810709343
7 Mr. Avanish Bharti Junior Engineer 8810709342
8 Mr. Raj kumar Junior Engineer 8810709337

Department Services

Building and repairing of roads, removal of chokes, bustee development work, construction of public conveniences, etc.

Project under construction by Municipal Corporation, Gorakhpur

1. National Clean Air Program (NCAP)

2. Swachh Bharta Mission (SBM)

3. State Smart City

4. Mukhya Mantri Nagar Srijan Yojna(CMNSY)

5. Twarit Aarthik Vikas Yojna

6. Solid Waste Processing Plant

7. Bio C.N.G. plant

8. C.&D. Waste Processing Plant

9. Legacy Waste Disposal

10. Establishment of G.T.S.


Toll Free 1533


1. Municipal New Office Building

2. Construction of funeral home

3. Construction of Kanha Upavan

4. Establishment of I.T.M.S.

5.Construction of charging station

6. Establishment of Vertical Garden and Open Gym

7. Establishment of Surya Namaskar Sculptor

Municipal New Office Building
Construction of funeral home
Construction of Kanha Upavan
Establishment of I.T.M.S.
Construction of charging station
Establishment of Vertical Garden and Open Gym
Establishment of Surya Namaskar Sculptor

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